Be Part of the Heart and Soul of Everglades Bicycle Club
Become a Ride Leader Trainer
One reason the Everglades Bicycle Club is unique and special is the EBC training rides each Saturday. Our Saturday rides are successful thanks to the time our ride leaders volunteer and dedicate.
If you have the desire, the passion and meet the criteria listed below, please contact Joe Curbelo @ or via Facebook message if interested.
- Must be a safe cyclist who can average between 14-18 and/or 16-22 MPH and ride a total of 40 miles on one ride.
- Must be a great role model for cycling safety and not afraid to coach and train new riders AND experienced riders on the RIGHT and LEGAL way to ride in groups and in traffic (we will train you on the technical expertise).
- Must have patience and a passion for seeing new and experienced cyclists learn the sport we love.
- Must be a member of Everglades Bike Club ($40.00 per year for a single, $50.00 per year for a family) Join @ if you are not a current member.
- Must be willing to commit to leading up to 2 rides a month (Saturdays and an occasional Sunday if needed for the new beginner ride).
- Must volunteer for (2-3 rides) of on the road practice, being mentored/shadowed by a current and experienced ride leader. This time is for you to learn the routes and best practices for coaching and leading EBC leader-led rides.
- Must attend a 2.5 hour classroom ride leader certification session on bike safety, cycling laws in Florida and other ride leader and EBC rules and guidelines. There is also about 30-60 minutes of pre-reading prior to the session.
- Must trust and respect your fellow ride leaders and must be willing to work together as a TEAM.
- All efforts will be match your skill set, comfort level and speed with the rides you lead. That being said, you must be flexible to lead at least two levels of rides (such as 14-16 and 16-18 or 18-20 and 20+ MPH) if needed.
Thank you again to our volunteer team of ride leaders and trainers. We are looking forward to hearing more EBC Members who are interested in joining the elite EBC Ride Leader/Trainer Team!