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FDOT Ciclovia (Sunday, Dec 14th)

  • 14 Dec 2014
  • 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • SW 8th St from SW 22nd Ave to SW 9th Ct
$20.00 minimum donation in cash/check or an unwrapped, new toy or gift for children infant to 17 years old. Gift Cards (think Movies, Target, Best Buy, Gap, etc.) are especially appreciated for the teenagers.

Everglades Bike Club is matching all donations up to $1,000.!!!

All proceeds go to St. Stephens Episcopal Parish, Aids Outreach Ministry for distribution to needy children in the Miami areas, Coconut Grove, Homestead, Perrine and Cutler Ridge, areas. Twice as many children need our help this year. Please make this holiday a special one for all the needy children and young adults in our community.

Refreshments will be donated by EBC and Starbucks and will be served before and after the ride (all toy and cash donations due the morning at ride start please). There will be four ride levels for the Toy Ride. Bring the family; bring a friend, partner or spouse to this festive charity event! Most importantly bring cash, check, a gift card or a toy!!

Please make checks out to: St Stephens Aids Outreach Ministry (Not EBC)

Let’s show Miami’s Children Community how much Everglades Bike Club cares!!

4 Leader-Led Rides:
  • Easy Pace Family Ride (Children must be 10+ to participate as it is a road ride)
  • New Beginner Ride/14-16 MPH 
  • 16-18 MPH
  • 18+ MPH
This years ride will be partnering with the Ciclovia event. All rides except the family ride, will include a loop or two on the Ciclovia event on Calle Ocho between 29th street and 9th Terrace.

This is an EBC official ride and signature release and helmets are required to ride.
The Florida Department of Transportation is bringing ciclovía to Miami-Dade County. The plan is to “open the street” (in this case, SW 8th St from SW 22nd Ave to SW 9th Ct) to people on foot, on bike, on any form of non-motorized transportation, to experience historic Calle Ocho and provide FDOT with citizen input toward ongoing studies related to proposed improvements of this corridor.

EBC Annual Toy rides will loop through this event. 

EBC will be at the event collecting toys for our Annual Toy Ride campaign.

Everglades Bike Club is matching all donations up to $1,000.!!!

All proceeds go to St. Stephens Episcopal Parish, Aids Outreach Ministry for distribution to needy children in the Miami areas, Coconut Grove, Homestead, Perrine and Cutler Ridge, areas. Twice as many children need our help this year. Please make this holiday a special one for all the needy children and young adults in our community.

Refreshments will be donated by EBC and Starbucks and will be served before and after the ride (all toy and cash donations due the morning at ride start please). There will be four ride levels for the Toy Ride. Bring the family; bring a friend, partner or spouse to this festive charity event! Most importantly bring cash, check, a gift card or a toy!!
Please make checks out to: St Stephens Aids Outreach Ministry (Not EBC)

Let’s show Miami’s Children Community how much Everglades Bike Club cares!!

Visit this link for more information on the our Annual Toy Ride and campaign, see EBC Toy Drive Ride
© Everglades Bicycle Club

If you need to reach us for any reason, please email us at:


P. O. Box 430282
South Miami, Florida  33243

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