Tour de Redlands
The Tour de Redlands is back! This gathering of cyclists from all over meet up on Sunday, April 15 at Larry & Penny Thompson Park for a 48 mile route through the Redlands down to Robert Is Here and back. The EBC Nation will be there along with the good people of Team Stormriders, who have supported this ride from the beginning! We want to see more cycling groups there too! Here’s one day where we can all ride together in the spirit of the sport we love! It's beautiful out there in the Redlands! It's a great place for a bike ride!
Our Tour de Redlands ride harkens back to the early days of our club. A time when our weekend rides went out to the rustic Redlands, then back to civilization. We trace the wheel marks of our predecessors and pay homage to our club's rich history with each pedal stroke.
The Tour de Redlands is a meetup community ride. It is not a sanctioned ride. There are no rest stops, there is no SAG, and the roads will not be marked. You participate with the agreement that you assume your own risk, like any other Sunday ride. Maps will be posted on Facebook a week before the ride. It is suggested that you print the map and pin it to the back of the person riding in front of you. (Just kidding!! Don’t do that.)
Come on out and ride with us! The gates open at around 7:15, so we'll start the ride around 7:45 AM. (Yes, we know the flyer says 7:30AM, but we will plan to leave 7:45.) Go west on Eureka Drive (SW 184 Street) and turn right into the park at the SW 127 Avenue entrance, then find a place to park. Ride with your friends, and make some new ones. Let’s all enjoy the beautiful Redlands, the crow of roosters, the farmland and nurseries, and the sound of a few hundred bike tires whizzing along the country roads. See you there!
If you need to reach us for any reason, please email us at:
EBCP. O. Box 430282South Miami, Florida 33243